Let No Man Despise Thy Youth
David Davis
I Timothy 4:12
I Timothy 4:12 - ‘‘Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.’’
I really appreciate our young people. I think that of all the different ages, the teenage years, the high school years are the most exciting. I spent three of the happiest years of my life as a sophomore in high school. Some of the kids graduate: Magna Cum Laude Sigma Cum Laude I graduated and the teacher shook her head and said, ‘‘My Laude Laude.’’
We are really all young at heart - in life’s principles and in life’s adventure. Someone has once said, ‘‘You are only as old as you feel.’’
I Tim. 4:12 - ‘‘Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.’’
Paul is writing to Timothy and maybe Paul had heard some of the older people complaining a little and saying, ‘‘What does this young pastor think he’s doing? He’s just out of seminary and he doesn’t know anything·.’’ Paul writes to encourage him. Let no man despise thy youth.’’ What that literally means is this: ‘‘Do not let - do not allow any member of the human race - male or female - put you down - and say you don’t have anything to contribute - just because you are young.’’
What you contribute to life does not depend on your biological age. You may be 60 and have not much to say. You may be 14 and have a whole lot to say. ‘‘Let no man put you down just because you are young.’’
The most exciting years in life are in the teenage years because they are full of firsts. First date - first kiss - first car - kissing first girlfriend. Three of life’s most important decisions are usually made during these years. Many say that young people are not capable of making these decisions, but I don’t agree with that.
Those three decisions are: 1) What will you do with Jesus Christ? 2) Whom wi ...
David Davis
I Timothy 4:12
I Timothy 4:12 - ‘‘Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.’’
I really appreciate our young people. I think that of all the different ages, the teenage years, the high school years are the most exciting. I spent three of the happiest years of my life as a sophomore in high school. Some of the kids graduate: Magna Cum Laude Sigma Cum Laude I graduated and the teacher shook her head and said, ‘‘My Laude Laude.’’
We are really all young at heart - in life’s principles and in life’s adventure. Someone has once said, ‘‘You are only as old as you feel.’’
I Tim. 4:12 - ‘‘Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.’’
Paul is writing to Timothy and maybe Paul had heard some of the older people complaining a little and saying, ‘‘What does this young pastor think he’s doing? He’s just out of seminary and he doesn’t know anything·.’’ Paul writes to encourage him. Let no man despise thy youth.’’ What that literally means is this: ‘‘Do not let - do not allow any member of the human race - male or female - put you down - and say you don’t have anything to contribute - just because you are young.’’
What you contribute to life does not depend on your biological age. You may be 60 and have not much to say. You may be 14 and have a whole lot to say. ‘‘Let no man put you down just because you are young.’’
The most exciting years in life are in the teenage years because they are full of firsts. First date - first kiss - first car - kissing first girlfriend. Three of life’s most important decisions are usually made during these years. Many say that young people are not capable of making these decisions, but I don’t agree with that.
Those three decisions are: 1) What will you do with Jesus Christ? 2) Whom wi ...
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