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by Ken Trivette

Scripture: JOHN 12:1-9
This content is part of a series.

Lord I Want You (3 Of 3)
Series: At the Feet of Jesus
Ken Trivette
John 12:1-9

1. One day the son of Bishop Berkeley asked him, "Papa, what do the words, 'Cherubim and seraphim' mean?" The preacher took the time to tell the little fellow that cherubim was a Hebrew word meaning knowledge and the word seraphim stood for flame. He explained that it is commonly believed the cherubim's are angels that excel in knowledge and the seraphim's are angels that excel in love for God. The preacher's heart was warmed when in a few moments the little fellow said, "Then I hope that when I die I will be a seraphim. I'd rather love God than to know everything."6

2. Of all the things you could say about Mary, you would have to say she excelled in love for Jesus. Mary was guilty of love in the first degree. We have seen Mary at the feet of Jesus saying, "I want you, Lord." We have also seen her at the feet of Jesus saying, "I need you, Lord. Now on this third occasion that we find her at the feet of Jesus and her actions seem to say, "I love you Lord."

3. I think of the little girl who came up to her mommy with a doll in both arms. She said, "Mommy, I love my dolls, but they never love me back." I think the Lord must sometimes feel like that little girl.

4. Every believer ought to be able to say with A.J. Gordon:

My Jesus, I love Thee,
I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies
Of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer,
My Savior art Thou:
If ever I loved Thee,
My Jesus tis now.

5. When we look at Mary at the feet of Jesus we see someone in love with Jesus and someone showing that love. Let's notice her as she bows at His feet and says, "I love you Lord."


1. The Lord deserves our love. The love that Mary showed is the kind of love that He deserved. He had earned and merited the kind of love we see in Mary. Notice why He deserved her love.

2. We see The Love Jesus Had Personally Revealed. Let me take you back ...

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