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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 35:1-29
This content is part of a series.

Births, Burials, Blessings, and Burdens (35 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 35:1-29

Theme: Jacob’s story of arriving in the Land of Canaan

I - Jacob’s Bethel (1 - 8)
II - Jacob’s Blessing (9 - 15)
III - Jacob’s Bride (16 - 21)
IV - Jacob’s Burden (22a)
V - Jacob’s Boys (22a - 26)
VI - Jacob’s Burial (27 - 29)

Back in 1988, a Polish railway worker named Jan Grzebski was hit by a train. He lived, but only barely. For the next 19 years (until the year 2007), Grzebski was in a coma.

He awoke in 2007 to a whole new world. Nineteen years earlier, Poland was a communist state. Grzebski noted that back then meat was rationed and there were huge lines at nearly every gas station. And, ‘‘there was only tea and vinegar in the shops.’’

But 19 years later, he awoke to a free nation where he said there were ‘‘people on the streets with cell phones and there are so many goods in the shops it makes my head spin.’’

But something puzzled him, ‘‘What amazed me is all these people who walk around with their mobile phones and yet they never stop moaning.’’

These people had freedom, and food and wealth greater than Poland had had for decades and yet Grzebski woke from his coma to find that ALL they seemed to want to do was grumble!

As we observe the life of Jacob, we might liken his life to that of Jan Grzebski, because every time he turned around things seemed to be chaotic, changing, and confusing, but Jacob learned to be thankful.

Jacob shows us how that God can bless us in the midst of change, in the midst trouble, and in the midst of pain. The Lord had promised to be with him and that promise was never broken, though his life was never easy, but always full of hardships and heartbreak.
The Aroma of Being Crushed

Somewhere way back deep in my mind, I happened to lodge an article in my memory from National Geographic’s that I knew would come in handy one of these days.

In October, 1998, NG had an article entitled ‘‘Perfume, ...

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