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by Craig Smith

Scripture: Acts 6:1-7

The Peril of Our Preferences (1 of 8)
Series: Unleashed
Craig Smith
Acts 6:1-7

Introduction We’re beginning a new message series today called Unleashed. And I want to go ahead and dive right into the Bible because I think what God has to say at the beginning of the passage we’re going to look at today is the best way to understand what God’s going to be talking to us about throughout series. So if you want to follow along in your Bible, why don’t you go ahead and grab it and start making Acts chapter 6. You can also follow along in the Mission Hills app and you’ll have a place to take some notes there, too. By the way, the book of Acts is called Acts because it records the acts of the Apostles and the early church. After Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heave, this thing we call the church really began to take off. Now the first five chapters of the book of Acts record the earliest days of the church. Chapter 6, which is where we’re going to drop in for this series, records a pivotal moment in the church’s history, a moment where the church faced a series of challenges that would determine whether the church would become just another religious organization or be unleashed into the world, changing it forever. And the first of those challenges that we’re going to look at begins in Acts 6:1. II. Main Body In those days when the number of disciples was increasing... (Acts 6:1a) And let’s just stop there for a second. In those days, the number of disciples was increasing. By the way, if you don’t know what a disciple is, a disciple is someone who follows Jesus. That’s different than a fan. A lot of people in our culture are fans of Jesus. They like Jesus. They like what he taught, they like what he was all about. And as long as their agenda and Jesus’ agenda line up, they’re happy to wave the Jesus flag. But they’re not really followers, they’re not really disciples. Disciples are people who follow Jesus because Disciples are always asking: ‘‘What’s my ...

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