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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Exodus 2:1-10

The Influence of a Mother
Donald Cantrell
Exodus 2:1–10

Mothers Day Sermon

Theme: The influence of Moses mother made a great impact upon him

I – The Specified Couple (1)
II – The Special Child (2a)
III – The Stressful Conditions (2b)
IV – The Secure Carrier (3)
V – The Sisters Concern (4)
VI – The Supernatural Compassion (5 – 6)
VII – The Spectacular Conversation (7 – 8)
VIII – The Shocked Caregiver (9)
IX – The Son’s Citizenship (10)

A Mother’s Influence

To a young couple living at the southern tip of England, a baby boy was born. The muscular father was known for his rigorous life on the ocean, for he commanded a trade ship that plied the waters of the Mediterranean. Little money reached home, however, and his wife spent many hours working for others so she could put food on the table. In spite of her constant weariness, she prayed often and earnestly for the boy and day after day gave him the home-schooling she knew he needed. It would be the only training he could receive in his younger days.

Seeing he greatly enjoyed studying, she completed his lessons in English along with a full year of Latin-then she died suddenly just before his seventh birthday! Her passing was a great blow to the child. One year later, his father arrived home, remarried, and put the boy in boarding school far from home.

Mingling with rough and profane children and chafing under the severe and imprudent disciplines of the schoolmaster, the child grew bitter and hardened. At the age of eleven his father took him along to work with him on the sea. Each year the boy became more unmanageable and corrupt! Soon his life became so vile even his most wicked friends were warned to avoid him!
But the past prayers of his mother were still having a powerful effect-there came a time when that man, John Newton, was thoroughly converted!

The fact the God could save such a vicious, vile sinner as himself stunned him, and in later days as he thought it over with many t ...

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