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by Ken Trivette

Scripture: HEBREWS 12:12-13

Hanging Hands, Feeble Knees, and Lame Feet
Ken D. Trivette
Hebrews 12:12-13

1. Someone has said that no one is sicker than a man who is sick on his day off or a child on a day when there is no school.

2. I heard about one fellow that was always sick. He was so full of penicillin that every time he sneezed he cured a dozen people.

3. The passage before us describes a sick believer. The passage is full of medical terms and analogies. For example, we get our word "orthopedic" from the words "lift up." The words were used of medical writers speaking of the act of setting dislocated parts of the body.

4. The context of our passage describes a runner running in a race. The passage before us suggests the thought of a runner not in shape to run the race well.

5. There are many believers that are spiritually out of shape. Their spiritual health is not well. In the words of verse 13, they need to be "healed."

6. The spiritual condition of this believer is marked by hanging hands, feeble knees, and lame feet. The spiritual condition described by the writer is found on a couple of other occasions in the Bible:

lsa.35:3 "Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees."

Job 4:3-4 (Eliphaz) "Behold, thou hast instructed many, and thou hast strengthened the weak hands. Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees."

7. Let me ask you: As a runner in the race of life, what kind of shape are you in? Are you running well? Or are you running poorly because you are out of shape spiritually?

8. We read in verse 13b, "BUT LET IT RATHER BE HEALED" The writer describes 3 particular area's of our Christian life that healing:
Our Hands
Our Knees
Our Feet

9. Let's notice these 3 area's of life in which often we are not doing well and need healing.


1. Hebrews 12:12a, "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down."

2. The imagery is of an man fr ...

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