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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Acts 1:12-26

A New Perspective
Jerry Watts
Acts 1:12-26

(READ TEXT) Perspective is a big word and a bigger concept. (TITLE) The dictionary defines perspective like this: the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc., in having a meaningful interrelationship: a mental view or prospect; the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance. A layman's definition might be the lens through which you view life. Your view of life, the world, the Bible, and walking with God is slanted by your perspective.

One of the greatest illustrations for perspective that I have ever heard was told by John Hagee. ''An Omish farmer was going into town to buy supplies. He drove his horse drawn buggy with his dog on the seat beside him. At the first red-light, they were hit by a police car. Several weeks later, the farmer was suing the city for damages (he lost his buggy, his horse, and his dog). During his testimony, the lawyer for the city asked this question, ''On the scene didn't you tell the office that you had never felt better in your life?'' The answer was ''I did''. So, the lawyer pressed by asking, ''Well, can you explain that?'' He said, ''I can.'' The farmer made this statement. ''After the officer stuck my buggy. He got out of the car and went over to my horse who was suffering. Looking at him, he took out his gun and shot him ending his misery. Next, he went over to my dog, who was whining in pain - he then shot my dog. When he came to me, He asked, ''How are you feeling?'' And I said, ''Never felt better in my life.''

Perspective is very powerful. Today popular conferences are held that carry the title ''Christian Worldview'' Conference. It helps us interpret our view of the world and gain a Christian perspective. Do you and I see the world through the lens of Christ and His teachings or some other way?

As we have read our text, these people are now entering a new world and must gain a new perspective. I toyed with outlining this story li ...

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