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by Miles Seaborn

Scripture: ACTS 9:23-25

Holding The Rope
Miles Seaborn
Acts 9:23-25

Intro: The Bible offers some tremendously dram- atic scenes. How about this one:

''Hold on, now, hold tight. Easy. All right, he's hit the ground, let's let him go.''

To help Paul escape his pursuers his new found friends secretly slipped him by night over the Da- mascus wall in a basket.

Now a short time before Paul had been a hero of Jewish leaders as he persecuted the followers of Jesus Christ. Now that had changed, and here is Paul fleeing for his life.

Chapter 9 in Acts tells us how God apprehended Saul as he was going to Damascus to hunt Christians. Saul was convicted, converted and convinced of the love of God and he went on to Damascus a changed man.

On arriving, he immediate proclaimed that Jesus Christ was the son of God (v. 20). The hearers were maze and confuse , and when he continued to press on their hearts that Jesus is the Messiah they agreed to kill him. And all of a sudden Paul began to receive the same kind treatment he had been giv- ing out. He could no longer walk the streets of Da- mascus. Soldiers were everywhere. And here were these Jewish people seeking to kill him.

Fortunately, Saul had friends, believers in Christ who cared for him. By night they led him to the city wall. Then, hiding Saul in a large basket, they lowered him through an opening in the wall. Believers slowly played out the rope, holding the basket until they heard it touch the ground, and they heard Saul crawl out and move away in the


move away in the darkness. Then, they pulled up the basket and went about their business.


No one knows. Not any more is said about them or why they were willing to risk their lives for someone they may have just barely known. But though their names remain unknown in history, God knows them, and that's enough. Those believers were truly servants, for they served without recognition.

1. People often serve

Unfortunately, there ar ...

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