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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 31:1-55
This content is part of a series.

When the Compass Points Towards Home (31 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 31:1-55

Theme: After serving Laban for many years, Jacob is headed for Canaan

I - The Human Drama (1 - 2)
II - The Hopeful Directive (3)
III - The Heavenly Dream (4 - 13)
IV - The Helpful Discussion (14 - 16)
V - The Hasty Departure (17 - 21)
VI - The Heated Deliberation (22 - 42)
VII - The Honorable Deal (43 - 55)

Headed Home

''Where there is great love there are always miracles.''
Willa Cather

This is a family story my father told me about his mother, my grandmother.

In 1949, my father had just returned home from the war. On every American highway you could see soldiers in uniform hitchhiking home to their families, as was the custom at that time in America.

Sadly, the thrill of this reunion with his family was soon overshadowed. My grandmother became very ill and had to be hospitalized. It was her kidneys, and the doctors told my father that she needed a blood transfusion immediately or she would not live through the night.

The problem was that Grandmother's blood types was AB-, a very rare type even today, but even harder to get then because there were no blood banks or air flights to ship blood. All the family members were typed, but not one member was a match. So the doctors gave the family no hope; my grandmother was dying.

My father left the hospital in tears to gather up all the family members, so that everyone would get a chance to tell Grandmother good-bye. As my father was driving down the highway, he passed a soldier in uniform hitch-hiking home to his family.
Deep in grief, my father had no inclination at that moment to do a good deed. Yet it was almost as if something outside himself pulled him to a stop, and he waited as the stranger climbed into the car.

My father was too upset to even ask the soldier his name, but the soldier noticed my father's tears right away and inquired about them. Through his tears, my father t ...

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