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by Miles Seaborn

Scripture: EPHESIANS 5:25-26, EPHESIANS 5:28-29

Self Esteem, How To Encourage It!
Miles Seaborn
Ephesians 5:25-29

INTRODUCTION: One of the greatest contributions a family can make to one another is a high self- esteem. ''Building into one another a sense of worth and value which creates confidence.''

Families are better at putting each other down than they are building each other up, especially at mealtimes. Open seasons at all times to point out faults, ride the slow one, the inept one.

It is like a disease, but it is not something we have, but something we lack self-esteem haunting feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, uselessness. The absence of self worth.


ILL. On the other hand, The Red Plate that says ''You are someone special! '' Ras Robinson: ''We love you bulletin board.'' Self esteem will not come from work, church friends, it comes from the home or not at all.

1. VALUE OF SELF ESTEEM! Ephesians 5:25-2) This passage is generally family-oriented and specifically focussed on marriage -- its principle is universal!

1. Devinition of Self Esteem ''How a person feels about himself, his sense of personal respect and his feeling of self worth. You are glad you are you!''

(ILL. Dorothy Briggs ''Your child's self esteem'' says -- your hopes for your children is based on more than avoiding nervous breakdown -- you want God's best for them in personal life and purpose -- happiness - how Evidence shows that if your child has high self-esteem he has it made. Differences lie in his attitude toward himself. Not a noisy conflict but a quiet sense of self respect. Building self esteem is the greatest contribution to a child's life outside of salvation.

But note, it is very hard for people who lack self esteem is the greatest contribution to a child, outside of salvation.

2. Christ's Pattern

Applies to all. Wives given wise counsel. verse 22-24 Men spoken to. verse 25-27 (read). Name of our sin/ all our glory (a glorious church). No spat-wrinkle

ILL. The love we hav ...

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