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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-4
This content is part of a series.

Rich in Mercy (1 of 6)
Series: The Love of God
Stephen Whitney
Ephesians 2:1-4

No one knows how the Social Security Administration decided Doris Pennington, 76 and a retired school teacher who lived in Tri-Cities Washington, was dead. Her granddaughter discovered the mistake when she went to the bank to cash a check from her and was told that Social Security had declared her dead two weeks earlier. A block had been placed on her checking account and the bank returned her Social Security check. Doris spent the week, visiting her doctor and trying to convince the Social Security Administration that she was very much alive.

God views us just the opposite. He says that we are dead spiritually even though we are alive and well physically.

SIN’S DESTRUCTION :1-3 Dead :1 Before someone believes Christ died for them to be forgiven of their sins, they are spiritually dead - having no spiritual life.

Dead - Gk. without life meaning power to change anything. We were not capable of doing anything to change our situation.

Trespasses - Gk. error, mistake or wrongdoing. Though your intention may have been right, you still broke the law of God and as a result are guilty. Sometimes it is used of deliberate or willful sin.

Sins - Gk. to miss the mark or wander from the path. It is not to measure up to the standard God has set. It is to break anyone of the Ten Commandments.

God put Adam in the Garden of Eden to take care of it. Genesis 2:17 You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.

Joseph Benson - ‘‘The spiritual life of his soul, in its union with God was dead. He became dead to God and things divine.’’ Thiessen in his Systemic Theology - ‘‘This death is first of all spiritual, or a separation of the soul from God. It implies not only the inability to do anything well-pleasing to God, but also, the possession of a corrupt nature.’’ Application In our ‘‘seeker sensitive’’ culture which does ...

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