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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Ephesians 2:5-7
This content is part of a series.

Loved Forever (2 of 6)
Series: The Love of God
Stephen Whitney
Ephesians 2:5-7

For 13 years Robert Ballard’s life had been dominated by his quest to locate the Titanic which sunk on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic on April 15, 1912. On September 1, 1985 he got his first look at the great ship as a strobe light penetrated the darkness of water where she was resting some two miles below the surface.

He said, ‘‘My first direct view of the Titanic lasted less than two minutes, but the stark sight of her immense black hull towering above the ocean floor will remain forever ingrained in my memory. My lifelong dream was to find this great ship and during the past 13 years the quest for her had dominated my life. Now, finally, the quest is over.’’

How much was he fascinated by her? Enough to take over 53,000 pictures of her. Enough to study every possible foot of her 888½ foot frame.

The Bible tells us that God is forever on a quest to demonstrate to us how much he loves every one of us. Jeremiah 31:3 God told Israel, ‘‘I have loved you with an everlasting love.’’ The love of God for his people does not change over time. God continues to love his people forever.

PAST :5 Even - while or when meaning before there was a change. Dead in our trespasses (:1) - we had no spiritual to relationship with God because our sins had separated us from him.

John MacArthur - ‘‘Far more than anything else, a spiritually dead person needs to be made alive by God. Salvation brings spiritual life to the dead. It is the power of God that raises believers out of death and makes them alive.’’

Made us alive together - is a synonym of the verb ‘‘to rise’’. Here it means to keep alive or to preserve life.
We are given spiritual life because Christ was raised from the dead after he died to pay the penalty for our sins on the cross. Our relationship with God is because he chose to love us and that love was demonstrated in sending Christ to die for us.

Grace - Gk. favo ...

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