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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Exodus 34:6-7
This content is part of a series.

Divine Character (3 of 6)
Series: The Love of God
Stephen Whitney
Exodus 34:6-7

A kindergarten teacher told everyone to draw a picture of what was important to them. Johnny began to labor over his drawing. Every one else finished and handed in their picture but he didn’t. He was still drawing. The teacher walked back to his seat and put her arm around his shoulder and said, ‘‘Johnny, what are you drawing?’’

He didn’t look up; he just kept on working feverishly at his picture. He said, ‘‘God.’’ ‘‘But Johnny,’’ she said gently, ‘‘no one knows what God looks like.’’ He replied, ‘‘They will when I’m through.’’

This passage gives us a full description of the character of God. Both sides of God’s character are revealed here: compassion and justice, grace and punishment. A true view of God will see both the grace of God and the judgment of God because God cannot be holy and just if he allows sin to go unpunished. It is in God punishing sin that we see his justice and holiness revealed. There cannot be holiness and justice without punishment for sin.

Background In Exodus 33:18-9 Moses asks God, ‘‘Please show me your glory.’’ And God said, ‘‘I will make all my goodness pass before you.’’ We think that God’s glory is his greatness to control the world, but God does not refer to his greatness, but to his character.

When we talk about God’s glory, we are talking about who God is and what he is like. We are talking about his divine character.

LOVING :6-7a Moses was protected by God’s hand while in a cleft of the rock as the presence and glory of God passed by him on Mount Sinai.

LORD (English all capital letters) - Heb. Yahweh Exodus 3:14 God told Moses, ‘‘I AM who I AM.’’ Literally the phrase means: I exist and have always existed. God is eternal without beginning or end.

Compassion towards us 1. Merciful - Heb. compassionate or showing pity. Psalm 78 recalls the people complaining about the daily food that God provided for them in the wilderness. Go ...

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