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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Romans 5:6-8
This content is part of a series.

Continual Love (6 of 6)
Series: The Love of God
Stephen Whitney
Romans 5:6-8

Wayne and Red served in the same platoon when the Allied forces marched across Europe in World War II. Wayne volunteered to be ‘‘point man,’’ leading the platoon into enemy territory. Red backed him up. The two led their men through several battles until they reached the famed ‘‘Siegfried Line’’ which was the western German defensive line that was 390 miles long.

They ran across no-man’s land and jumped into the enemy trench. When a live grenade exploded in front of them, Wayne, who was in the lead, was wounded by the blast. Seeing his helplessness, Red stepped forward, grabbed Wayne, whirled around, and shielded him from gunfire. A few seconds later Red was hit by an enemy bullet and died instantly. Wayne, who survived, later wrote, ‘‘No one has ever valued me more.’’

We love others because of something we see in them that causes us to be drawn to them. We love them because we have a similar interest (hobby) or a common bond (background).

God loves people just because he chooses to, not based on anything they have done. He loves us not because we deserve it, but in spite of the fact we don’t love him. The gift of Christ, God’s only begotten Son, is proof of his great love for us.

UNCONDITIONAL :6 Weak (KJB without strength, NIV powerless) - Gk. feeble. People who were sick (Matthew 25:39). Disciples sleeping instead of praying (Matthew 26:41).

Here it is to help ourselves out of our sinful condition and state. Psalm 51:5 I was brought forth (born) in (with) iniquity. We are all born with a sin nature that controls our thoughts and behavior so we are not capable of making atonement for our sins.

William Newell - ‘‘We are bankrupt of all moral and spiritual inclination toward God or power to do good.’’ We couldn’t change our situation and nobody else could help us either - we were hopeless. We don’t like to hear that because we believe we can help ourself if we wil ...

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