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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Haggai 1:12-15

Actions That Equal Assurance (2 of 5)
Series: It's Time to Rebuild, Bigger and Better
Donald Cantrell
Haggai 1:12-15

Theme: One's faith will lead to one's works, that's very biblical

I - One's Heartfelt Acceptance (12)

II - One's Heavenly Assurance (13)

III - One's Hasty Actions (14 - 15)

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with sub-points.

Add Works to Your Faith

Samuel Bradburn, an associate of John Wesley, was highly respected by his friends and used by God as an effective preacher. On one occasion he was in desperate financial need. When Wesley learned of his circumstances, he sent him the following letter: ''Dear Sammy: 'trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.''
Yours affectionately,
John Wesley

Attached to the letter was a 5-pound note (then worth about $10).

Bradburn's reply was prompt. ''Rev. and Dear Sir: I have often been struck with the beauty of the passage of Scripture quoted in your letter, but I must confess that I never saw such a useful 'expository note' on it before.''

Someone has said, ''Pious talk can't take the place of helpfulness.''

Roll Up Your Shirt Sleeves Christians

When Dave Thomas died in early 2002, he left behind more than just thousands of Wendy's restaurants. He also left a legacy of being a practical, hard-working man who was respected for his down-to-earth values.

Among the pieces of good advice that have outlived the smiling entrepreneur is his view of what Christians should be doing with their lives. Thomas, who as a youngster was influenced for Christ by his grandmother, said that believers should be ''roll-up-your-shirt sleeves'' Christians. In his book ''Well Done,'' Thomas said, ''Roll-up-your-shirtsleeves Christians see Christianity as faith and action. They still make the time to talk with God through prayer, study Scripture with devotion, be super-active in their church and take their ministry to others to s ...

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