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("Sin Doesn't Pay!)
Dr. Miles Seaborn
2 Chronicles 16:9; Proverbs 15:3; Jonah 1:4-6, 13-14;
3:1-11; 4:1-3; Luke 15:11-32; Matt. 18:21-35

INTRO. Little old dried up lady in rest home asked
her pastor, "Why has God left me here? Why don't I
just die?" Pastor replied, "Because God has a job for
you to do." She set her lips and said, "Well, I can
tell you right now whatever it is, I'm not a gonna dot

Jonah was like that. He set his mind firmly not to
follow the will of God for his life. Though his name
means "dove" he did not have that sweet, peaceful
spirit that spoke of his name. He was both "The elder
son" and "the unmerciful servant" in the Old

Almost everyone knows by heart his story - (first
submarine ride) But few of us have realized the hidden
insights of truth lodged and buried there... tell the
story sketch... Dr. Elliott says, "Some of the most
profound truths of the Christian faith are nowhere
else pronounced with such firmness and power.

What do we see - What can we learn?


For the first time in the many that I have preached on
this subject I seriously asked why? Why did Jonah
flee from the presence of a loving all-knowing God?
Surely later on (as do you and I) he asked himself a
hundred times why did I try to run away from God?
(The Hebrew says "from before the face of Jehovah.")

1. Perhaps he could not discern the will of God.

ILL. Plain as the nose on your face, but a
lot of people can't see their nose!

2. Perhaps he did not feel the will of God could
be done.

ILL. God can point the way, but He cannot
supply the needs. God can call us, but He
cannot equip us and supply us.

3. Perhaps he did not want to do the will of
God! A lack of love! Nenevah was a bitter enemy
of Israel. He thought "No good should come to
them, I don't love them, surely God can't." This

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