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Aaron - Miriam
Miles Seaborn
Exodus 4:27-31; Exodus 15:20; Numbers 12:1-16

INTRO. What a gifted house! From out of a slave but in Egypt came Moses, the deliverer, leader and lawgiver. Aaron, the high priest, the silver tongued, and Miriam, a terrific performer in Sacred drama, sacred songs and instruments of music. A vivid reminder that environment is not everything and people can rise above circumstances whether they often do or not.

It was the house Amram the Levite and his wife ''God my glory,'' that God not only poured quantity of talent but quality of talent was spread so well that all Israel was complete in Moses, Miriam and Aaron. But this morning let's fix our eyes on brother and sister (Moses comes next week). Their lives must be viewed in the context of Moses' life because God used them to edify the ministry of Moses! Aaron was:

I. WILLING TO BE USED FOR GOD - Exodus 4;10-16, 27-31

1. Moses slow of speech - ''Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent neither heretofore nor since God hast spoken to thy servant but I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue.'' Why? Maybe the long silence of 40 years on the backside of nowhere - or perhaps it was the weight and depth of Moses' mind. At any rate he needed help!

2. Aaron - Even heaven had heard of his speaking (Ex. 4:14) He had a way with words. Moses meant one thing but ended up saying another.

1) He spoke to the elders of Israel and scattered their objections and calmed their fears - verses 29-31 Aaron spoke to Pharaoh and history records his eloquence. He had the rare talent to move men and say the right thing at the right time!

2) He also had the right desire in his heart to serve God. Verse 14 ''he shall be glad in his heart.'' He too burned with a desire to free God's people but he could not do it but he knew one who could, his brother Moses. At the same time God was speaking to Moses, Aaron set out to find his brother. He had not envy in his heart - vers ...

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