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by James Merritt

Scripture: Colossians 2:13-14
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Nailed (3 of 7)
Series: Guardians of the Galaxy
James Merritt
Colossians 2:13-14


1. As you go through life you will encounter moments. I call them turning points. There are events that take place where even though you don’t even realize it perhaps at the time, your life will change forever and never be the same. One turning point in my life was when a nineteen year old girl I had never met, stood up from a chair, turned around, and even before she said, ‘‘Hello,’’ I did not realize it, but I had met the love of my life, that I would spend the rest of my life with.

2. Another turning point was when I came in from a seminary class one afternoon to find her waiting for me at the door with a smile on her face and she simply said, ‘‘We are going to have a baby!’’ Another point was when I got up off of my knees in a dormitory room at Stetson University having heard and responded to God’s call on my life to do what I am doing right now.

3. The greatest turning point in my life took place as a nine-year-old boy in a movie theater which evolved around a nail. It was a nail being driven into a hand of a man named Jesus, by a Roman soldier. What changed my life was at that moment, I realize not just who was being nailed to that cross, but what was being nailed to that cross. When you learn what was being nailed to that cross then you understand why Jesus was nailed to that cross.
4. Once you realize what got nailed that day, two-thousand years ago, you realize why that nail has everything to do with you (with your life, with your death and with your eternity.) We are in a series, in a book called Colossians, that we have called ‘‘The Guardian of the Galaxy.’’ No other book in the Bible focuses more on Jesus, who he was, what he did, and why it is so important than this book.

5. In Colossians, Chapter 2 we are going to see exactly why he was nailed to the cross that day, because it was more than just the body of a man and ev ...

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