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by James Merritt

Scripture: Colossians 3:15-17
This content is part of a series.

House Rules (6 of 7)
Series: Guardians of the Galaxy
James Merritt
Colossians 3:15-17


1. One of the most powerful governmental bodies in the world is the United States House of Representatives. We are a republic governed by the Rule of Law. Any and all laws and legislation is to be initiated by the House of Representatives. What I didn’t know and you may not know is one of the most powerful committees and in fact maybe the most powerful committee in the House of Representatives is called the ‘‘Rules Committee.’’

2. It is responsible for the rules under which bills will be presented to the House of Representatives. It is the committee that holds the reigns on all legislation. It influences the introduction of law and the process of the law being debated and adopted by the House. It even has a nickname. It is called the ‘‘the traffic cop of Congress.’’ A rule is a simple resolution of the House of Representatives reported by the Committee on Rules that even permits consideration of a legislative measure. It lays out conditions under any debate or amendment that can be offered in the process. In other words, you have to go through this committee to even propose a law to be considered and even then they will tell you if, when, and how it will be.

3. Furthermore, there are rules of decorum. There are certain things you can and cannot do on the floor of the House of Representatives if you want to be heard, and if you want to introduce a law, and if you want that law to be debated, discussed, and maybe passed. There are certain rules they have on how you are to act and conduct yourself if you are going to be a member of the United States Congress.

4. There is another house that has house rules. It is what we would call the ‘‘House of God.’’ Just like the House of Representatives, it is made up of a corporate body called ‘‘the church’’, but that corporate body is made up of individual members called ‘‘Christians.’’ There a ...

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