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by James Merritt

Scripture: Colossians 4:2-6
This content is part of a series.

On Your Best Behavior (7 of 7)
Series: Guardians of the Galaxy
James Merritt
Colossians 4:2-6


1. During the 1970’s an informal prayer meeting developed in the White House. High powered leaders and for the most part, Christians, gathered together for inspiration and encouragement and the opportunity to pray together. To everyone’s surprise, Arthur Burns began to attend. He was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System, but he was also Jewish. He was held in such high respect that whenever the prayer time came around, they would not call on him to pray. The following week there was a newcomer that lead the prayer meeting and he didn’t know who Arthur Burns was and he asked him to lead in the closing prayer. The regulars began to look at each other and wonder what would happen, but Burns immediately reached out to joined hands with those around him and he prayed (what many said later) was the most memorable prayer of all. Here is what he prayed. ‘‘Lord, I pray that you would bring Jews to know Jesus Christ. I pray that you would bring Muslims to know Jesus Christ. Finally, Lord, I pray that you would bring Christians to know Jesus Christ. Amen.’’

2. Now I find that last statement to be an eye-opener. I am not sure what Mr. Burns meant totally, but I do believe the difference between people who claim to be Christians and say they know Jesus Christ and people who are truly Christians who do know Jesus Christ. I firmly believe that someone who truly believes in Jesus, and belongs to Jesus, will behave like Jesus.

3. We are concluding our study in a book called Colossians that we have entitled ‘‘Guardian of the Galaxy.’’ This book focuses like a laser beam on the one who created the universe and the one who controls the universe - Jesus Christ. Paul has been laying out the Jesus that Christians believe in and the Jesus that Christians belong to. Now, Paul is going to show us how Christians are to behalf like the Jesus they belie ...

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