by Mike Stone
Scripture: Nehemiah 3:1-23
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Are You Ready to Work? (5 of 21)
Series: Rebuilding - Questions From Nehemiah
Mike Stone
Nehemiah 3:1-23
As I gaze into the future of the American church generally and of Emmanuel Baptist specifically there is a lot of rebuilding that is going to have to take place.
In the aftermath of this COVID pandemic, our own church will have some rebuilding to do. And rebuilding will force us to ask some questions.
A little boy was walking with his Daddy one night. And he just peppered his father with one question after another.
''Daddy, how many stars are there?'' The father replied, ''Son, I don't know.''
''Daddy, how far away is the moon?'' The father replied, ''Son, I don't know.''
''Daddy, how hot do stars get?'' The father replied, ''Son, I don't know.''
''Daddy, am I asking too many questions?'' The father replied, ''Of course not, if you don't ask questions, you won't ever learn anything!''
Well, we are looking at some questions presented from this book of Nehemiah and I surely hope we can learn some things. Now, I admit that on first hearing, this sounds like 32 boring and mundane verses. It's just a counterclockwise trip around the city of Jerusalem as Nehemiah introduces us to the main characters in the rebuilding effort.
It can seem a little like the press-box announcer introducing the starting lineup when you're ready to watch some baseball. Yet there is a lot that can be learned in such a passage about getting ready to do a work for the Lord.
When preaching expositionally through a narrative like this, you don't necessarily move verse-by-verse. Yet there are some broad principles we see scattered throughout this text. And today, I want you to see 3 of them.
The will that was involved
Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. And Nehemiah is worshipping God with all 4 aspects of his being. He has commanded his will and his emotions to do the work of God.
Series: Rebuilding - Questions From Nehemiah
Mike Stone
Nehemiah 3:1-23
As I gaze into the future of the American church generally and of Emmanuel Baptist specifically there is a lot of rebuilding that is going to have to take place.
In the aftermath of this COVID pandemic, our own church will have some rebuilding to do. And rebuilding will force us to ask some questions.
A little boy was walking with his Daddy one night. And he just peppered his father with one question after another.
''Daddy, how many stars are there?'' The father replied, ''Son, I don't know.''
''Daddy, how far away is the moon?'' The father replied, ''Son, I don't know.''
''Daddy, how hot do stars get?'' The father replied, ''Son, I don't know.''
''Daddy, am I asking too many questions?'' The father replied, ''Of course not, if you don't ask questions, you won't ever learn anything!''
Well, we are looking at some questions presented from this book of Nehemiah and I surely hope we can learn some things. Now, I admit that on first hearing, this sounds like 32 boring and mundane verses. It's just a counterclockwise trip around the city of Jerusalem as Nehemiah introduces us to the main characters in the rebuilding effort.
It can seem a little like the press-box announcer introducing the starting lineup when you're ready to watch some baseball. Yet there is a lot that can be learned in such a passage about getting ready to do a work for the Lord.
When preaching expositionally through a narrative like this, you don't necessarily move verse-by-verse. Yet there are some broad principles we see scattered throughout this text. And today, I want you to see 3 of them.
The will that was involved
Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. And Nehemiah is worshipping God with all 4 aspects of his being. He has commanded his will and his emotions to do the work of God.
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