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by Mike Stone

Scripture: Nehemiah 13:1-9
This content is part of a series.

Are You Up to Date with God? (18 of 21)
Series: Rebuilding - Questions From Nehemiah
Mike Stone
Nehemiah 13:1-9

We have today and about three other lessons, I believe, before this series in Nehemiah is finished. And it continues to provide rich and practical lessons as we reopen, reengage, and rebuild in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I had thought about interrupting our series as we prepare for our revival emphasis. But in the Lord's good timing, there is a tremendous message about revival here in Nehemiah 13.

I heard the story of 4 men who were sitting in the hospital waiting room. Their wives were all about to deliver babies. This was years ago, when fathers were not allowed in the delivery room. The doctor came out and told the first man, ''Congratulations, your wife had twins!'' The man said, ''How ironic, I work in the office for the Minnesota Twins!''

The next doctor came out and told the second man, ''Congratulations, your wife had triplets!'' The man said, ''How ironic, I work in the office for the 3M paper company.''

The next doctor came out and told the third man, ''Congratulations, your wife had quadruplets!'' The man said, ''How ironic, I work in the office for the 4 Seasons hotel.''

The 4th man passed out. When they revived him he said, ''I don't know what to do. I drive a delivery truck for 7-Up!''

Well, I don't have 7-Ups but I do have 5-Ups to help you answer this question, ''Are you UP to date with God?'' Write down these 5-UPS and use them as a check-UP to see if you are really UP to date with God.

You have to wake up (1a)

I don't mean wake up as in ''set the alarm and get some coffee.''
I mean ''wake up'' in the sense that Paul speaks in Romans 13:11 - Knowing the time, it is high time for us to awake out of sleep.

I mean it in the sense that Peter speaks in 1 Peter 5:8 - Be on the alert! Be awake! For your adversary the Devil is roaming about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.

The phrase ...

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