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by Benny Perez

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:8-18, Romans 8:37
This content is part of a series.

To Overcome (4 of 4)
Series: I Was Made For This
Benny Perez
2 Corinthians 4:8-18, Romans 8:37

Hello Do You Know That You Are A Champion, A Winner And Over Comer? That is who You Are In Christ. Text: 2 Corinthians 4:8-18 Romans 8:37 ESV I. Problems Are Not Eternal But God Is 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

Problems will come and go

In this life you will have challenges and at times struggles.

Jesus said in this life you will have tribulation.

Problems are part of the curse

Because this world is under the curse problems arise.

Many problems come as a result of sinful man.

Many problems come as a result of bad decisions.

Many problems just come.

Remember that Problems are not eternal but God Is v. 18 NKJV

What is seen is temporal.

What is unseen is Eternal

II. Reliance on God Produces Overcoming 2 Corinthians 1:8-10

Paul was overwhelmed.

He was overcome and crushed beyond his ability to endure.

He was in over his head.

Paul was speaking about how he felt.

It was beyond his ability to endure.

This was not boot strap theology. C. Rather Paul Relied on Jesus v. 9

Because of this he stopped relying on himself.

He came to the end of Himself and came to the beginning of Jesus.

He learned to rely on God, who raises the dead.

Key Pt: God will rescue you in your trouble. God is the hero and will rescue us! Trust in God! Trust produces peace and the power to overcome.

No matter what happens we can say it is well with my soul.

III. God’s Love For You Makes You More ...

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