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by Benny Perez

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-19
This content is part of a series.

Brand New in Jesus (1 of 5)
Series: Brand New
Benny Perez
2 Corinthians 5:14-19

Today we begin a Series called Brand New. I actually believe that God has some New Things in store for all of us. I believe that the Old Order of things is vanishing and everything is fresh and new.

I believe that God has been speaking to us as a community and as individual that He has some New Things in store of all us. I am asking for my understanding to be opened to the New. We have been accustomed to the Old when we have been given the New.

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14-19 TPT

It Starts With Jesus v. 17

If any person is in Christ.

That is a position, not a feeling.

It is a place of being not a place of feeling.

What does it mean to be in Christ? V. 17

It means that we are not in Christ to start.

The Bible teaches that we have been separated from God.

Because of Sin we were dead God. Colossians 2:13

There is nothing that is in us that brought us to God.

When did this happen? Romans 5:12 TPT

When Adam sinned, it impacted the whole world and all those that would Be born.

We are all In Adam. When we are born we are all born into Adam.

Key Pt: We were hopelessly lost and alienated from God because Of Adam and our choices.

We could not save ourselves. We could not do anything to rescue ourselves.

We were held captive and not able to escape. But Jesus!! Romans 5:18-19 TPT

What is the result?

You Are A New Person .17 TPT

Because of Jesus Your New

You are not refurbished or recycled.

You are literally a brand new creation.

Key Pt: You are now in the famil ...

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