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by Benny Perez

Scripture: Mark 10:46-52
This content is part of a series.

New Vision (4 of 5)
Series: Brand New
Benny Perez
Mark 10:46-52

Today we begin a Series called Brand New. I actually believe that God has some New Things in store for all of us. I believe that the Old Order of things is vanishing and everything is fresh and new.

I believe that God has been speaking to us as a community and as individual that He has some New Things in store of all us. I am asking for my understanding to be opened to the New. We have been accustomed to the Old when we have been given the New.

Text: Mark 10: 46-52

Background: Jesus has been ministering for about 3 years. He has been healing the sick, loving the unlovable, feeding the hungry, teaching and preaching to people about the Kingdom of God. He now comes to Jericho with his disciples and a man without vision is going to encounter Christ.

Old/Lost Vision Causes You To Be Defined By Your Problem Not Your Potential.

He was BLIND Bart, the son of ....

Bart’s condition defined the existence of his life.

His challenge had defined him more than his family lineage.

His dysfunction was the defining element. Key Pt: There are many people who are defined by the problems they have Encountered.

Examples: Fred never can hold a relationship together. Mary is always broke. Sam’s just good old Sam

His loss of Vision had created a state of survival.

He was blind and begging. 2. He was dependent upon the hand outs of people to sustain his life.

He was no long in control but had relinquished his control to others.

Key Pt: The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18 ‘‘Where there is no vision the people Perish.’’

Old/Lost Vision Will Cause You To Be Led By The Voices A. He sat by the road.

He had been led by voices everyday to the same spot on the Side of the road.

This was his lot in life. It was his comfort zone that he knew well And Bart had relinquished his life to the spot on the side of t ...

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