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by Marvin D. Patterson

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-8

The Wisdom of Christmas
Marvin D. Patterson
Matthew 2:1-12

A 90-year old man went to his doctor for his annual check-up. A few days later, the doctor saw the man walking down the street with a gorgeous young lady on his arm. A couple of days later, when the old man had a second appointment to get the results of the check-up, the doctor said, ''You're really doing great, aren't you? You seem chirpy enough!'' The man replied, ''I'm just doing what you told me I should do: 'Get a hot mama and be cheerful,' and it works wonders. Horrified, the doctor said: ''I didn't say that! I said 'You've got a heart murmur. Be careful.'''

Who is the wisest person that you know? A husband or a wife? A mom or dad, a teacher or public speaker? Today we will see that regardless of who is the wisest, when you worship that little baby born in Bethlehem, you are a wise person indeed! We looked at the shepherds last week, and now we will look at the Wise men! They have always intrigued me, for no one knows how many there were, nor much about them at all.
But what we do know is that these men were astronomers who studied the stars, and they followed it to the house where the baby Jesus was in Bethlehem, and they presented Him with Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. That would classify them as very wise in my way of looking at them. They traveled over a thousand miles of desert to get to Jesus, as most scholars believe they came from the region of Babylonia, or even Iran. There could have been as many as several hundred of them, for they made quite a stir in Jerusalem when they arrived there to see King Herod. And they were very bold and fearless for two reasons. Number one, there were many bandits and thieves along the way that they could have encountered in a hostile desert.
Also they went to King Herod, who was the King of the Jews, and asked him where the true King of the Jews was. That took some courage. Herod was a ruthless ruler who killed several in his own ...

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