What Do You Give a King?
Rex Yancey
Genesis 43:11-14, Matthew 2:1-12
Joseph had been sold into slavery. He became a steward in the house of Pharoah. Everything he did prospered and Pharoah trusted him. Pharoah's wife however, tried to seduce him. He resisted. She falsely accused him, and he was thrown into prison. There was a butler and a baker in prison with him. They both had a dream the same night. Joseph interpreted their dreams. The Butler would be restored to butlership. The baker would be killed. Joseph asked to be remembered by the butler. But the butler did not mention him.
Two years later, the Pharoah had a dream. The butler remembered Joseph and recommended him. He interpreted Pharoah's dream and was made a ruler.
There was a famine in Israel. Jacob sent his sons to Egypt. They appeared before Joseph but did not recognize him. He recognized them. He sent them back to Israel and commanded that Benjamin be brought to Egypt. He required Simeon be left behind.
The brothers appear before Jacob and give him a list of the ruler's demands. Jacob thinks Joseph is dead. Simeon is in Egypt and the ruler has demanded they bring Benjamin to Egypt. Jacob is in a conundrum.
He commanded his sons to load up some gifts. But what do you give a king who has everything? He doesn't need gold or silver, or power or knowledge.
The Wise Men followed the star of Bethlehem. They offered the newborn king some gifts. The gifts were costly, but the symbolism was the treasure. Their gifts were appropriately for a prophet, priest, and king.
What can poor miserable creatures like us give to a God like him? He doesn't need wealth, knowledge, power, and not even our service.
What could we possibly give him?
Jacob told his sons to take of the best fruits of the land. Remember, Israel is famished. What could they give him? They could give him the best he had.
The loaded-up balm, honey, pistachio nuts, almonds, and myrrh. ...
Rex Yancey
Genesis 43:11-14, Matthew 2:1-12
Joseph had been sold into slavery. He became a steward in the house of Pharoah. Everything he did prospered and Pharoah trusted him. Pharoah's wife however, tried to seduce him. He resisted. She falsely accused him, and he was thrown into prison. There was a butler and a baker in prison with him. They both had a dream the same night. Joseph interpreted their dreams. The Butler would be restored to butlership. The baker would be killed. Joseph asked to be remembered by the butler. But the butler did not mention him.
Two years later, the Pharoah had a dream. The butler remembered Joseph and recommended him. He interpreted Pharoah's dream and was made a ruler.
There was a famine in Israel. Jacob sent his sons to Egypt. They appeared before Joseph but did not recognize him. He recognized them. He sent them back to Israel and commanded that Benjamin be brought to Egypt. He required Simeon be left behind.
The brothers appear before Jacob and give him a list of the ruler's demands. Jacob thinks Joseph is dead. Simeon is in Egypt and the ruler has demanded they bring Benjamin to Egypt. Jacob is in a conundrum.
He commanded his sons to load up some gifts. But what do you give a king who has everything? He doesn't need gold or silver, or power or knowledge.
The Wise Men followed the star of Bethlehem. They offered the newborn king some gifts. The gifts were costly, but the symbolism was the treasure. Their gifts were appropriately for a prophet, priest, and king.
What can poor miserable creatures like us give to a God like him? He doesn't need wealth, knowledge, power, and not even our service.
What could we possibly give him?
Jacob told his sons to take of the best fruits of the land. Remember, Israel is famished. What could they give him? They could give him the best he had.
The loaded-up balm, honey, pistachio nuts, almonds, and myrrh. ...
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