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Broadcast on THE BAPTIST HOUR, November 12, 1992, by Dr. Frank Pollard of Jackson, Mississippi
Which Jesus Do You Believe In?
Text: Colossians 1:15
BH46-92 TV
Ithas not been an easy thing to watch the church ofoourLordJesus Christ, things were createdly Him andforHtim He is beore atl things and t Iitn
through the years, become less the church of Jesus Christ and more the a ll thizgs hold together:and He is the head of the bod, the cdhirch lie is
church of the has not been an easy thing to watch people who once the beginniig andthefirstborn~from among the deadk so' tluc it' ei~en-Jtiiig
considered themselves congregations, become crowds. He ,night have the supren:. For God wvas pleased to usae all ojf ifis
Ithas not been aneasythingto watch those whoonceconsidereddthenselves fullness dvell in Him and through Him to) reconcile to Hinmslf all things.
as people who made it a priority to gather as worsippers of the Lord God, t4'edther things orn earth or things in Heaven by, rangpeace througil ilis
become a religious audience. blood shed on the cross. - Colossians 1:15-20
We ask ourselves, "In a world that needed so much for the church to Who is Jes T. . .;- .. . ' . He is thectorof everything, fie is
change i, how is itthatthechurch hasbeenchangedso muchbytheworld?" the source of. I., i. hings, He is above all things, He is ui
And I think the m-jor part of the answer is that we have lost our vision, our all things. The Word of God says that in Him we live and we move and wke
understanding, and our comiyitmewnt to who Jesus Christ really is. have our being. That upon Jesus Christ, we d for life and breath and
My question today to you and ne is, all things. The Word says here "'that by Hilm all things are held together"'
Broadcast on THE BAPTIST HOUR, November 12, 1992, by Dr. Frank Pollard of Jackson, Mississippi
Which Jesus Do You Believe In?
Text: Colossians 1:15
BH46-92 TV
Ithas not been an easy thing to watch the church ofoourLordJesus Christ, things were createdly Him andforHtim He is beore atl things and t Iitn
through the years, become less the church of Jesus Christ and more the a ll thizgs hold together:and He is the head of the bod, the cdhirch lie is
church of the has not been an easy thing to watch people who once the beginniig andthefirstborn~from among the deadk so' tluc it' ei~en-Jtiiig
considered themselves congregations, become crowds. He ,night have the supren:. For God wvas pleased to usae all ojf ifis
Ithas not been aneasythingto watch those whoonceconsidereddthenselves fullness dvell in Him and through Him to) reconcile to Hinmslf all things.
as people who made it a priority to gather as worsippers of the Lord God, t4'edther things orn earth or things in Heaven by, rangpeace througil ilis
become a religious audience. blood shed on the cross. - Colossians 1:15-20
We ask ourselves, "In a world that needed so much for the church to Who is Jes T. . .;- .. . ' . He is thectorof everything, fie is
change i, how is itthatthechurch hasbeenchangedso muchbytheworld?" the source of. I., i. hings, He is above all things, He is ui
And I think the m-jor part of the answer is that we have lost our vision, our all things. The Word of God says that in Him we live and we move and wke
understanding, and our comiyitmewnt to who Jesus Christ really is. have our being. That upon Jesus Christ, we d for life and breath and
My question today to you and ne is, all things. The Word says here "'that by Hilm all things are held together"'
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