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by Tim Melton

Scripture: Isaiah 46:9-11

Advent – A Season of Active Waiting
Tim Melton
Isaiah 46:9-11

''According to a new survey, all of the luxuries of modern life have made most people incredibly impatient. Respondents reported becoming frustrated after just 16 seconds of waiting for a web page to load, and after 25 seconds of waiting for a traffic light to change. It only takes 22 seconds for people to start cursing their computers or TVs if a show or movie doesn't immediately start streaming correctly. Those surveyed also reported losing their cool after just 18 seconds of searching for a pen. Even a cup of tea, incited anger among respondents if the kettle took more than 28 seconds to boil.

Waiting in line seemed to especially annoy respondents, with 45% admitting they had lost their temper after waiting an ''excessive'' amount of time. But, what exactly is excessive? Respondents said just 30 seconds of waiting in a line would be enough to try their patience, and half said they are likely to switch to a different line if the one they are in isn't moving fast enough. Surprisingly, 95% of respondents still admitted that they believe patience is a virtue.''

Some are better at waiting then others. In the life of a Christian what are the benefits of waiting? It depends on the situation. At times waiting calls us to patience and contentment. At other times waiting moves us towards trust and surrender, reminding us that we are not ultimately in control. At times waiting grants us time to prepare for what is to come as we wait on the Lord. Even when we are waiting for answered prayers, provision, healing or direction, we must remember that God´s timing is perfect, orderly and wise.

When we talk of time we think of minutes, hours, days and years. Scripture talks of time differently. Time is expressed in relation to God´s purposes in our lives and in the world. ''In the fullness of time'' God sent His son. When the time was right, God came to Moses to deliver His people from slavery in ...

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