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by Frank Pollard

Scripture: HEBREWS 9:27

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BROADCAST on THE BAPTIST HOUR, August 30, 1992, by Dr. Frank Pollard of Jackson, Mississippi
And Then What?
A ~ 4iy Text: Hebrews 9:27
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We don't talk much about it, even though we think a lot negotiable, indisputable fact. He preached. What did He preach?
about it. We know it's there, like April 15th is the income tax "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Repent, He
deadline, we know it's coming. Sometimes we nervously joke said, change your priorities, rethink your life's values, turn to
about it-Woody Allen said, "I'm not afraid to die, I just don't me, said Christ, because the world is not all of it. In fact it is
want to be there when it happens." For the first twenty years a very small part of it. Whatever kingdom has your allegiance
of his life, one man reviewed his life every time he started out now is temporary, you will soon have to face the One who will
the door when his mother asked where he was going. For the reign forever and ever. It is appointed, it is destined, it is cer-
last forty years, every time he starts out the door, his wife asks tain, we will die-we will live only once and we will die once
where he's going. Soon his family and friends will gather around and then we will face the forever and forever King and the
his grave and wonder where he went. judgment.
I recall the man who read the obituaries every morning to
see if his name was there, and when he didn't see his name there, WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANT QUESTION FOR THE
he went to work. One morning when he read the obituaries and CHURCH TO ASK?
his name was there, he was somewhat shaken, but he soon realiz- This truth calls us as a church to examine our priorities.
e~d that he wasn't dead, so he went to work. Once settled at his The big question for the church, the significant ...

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