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by Jerry Watts

Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-18, Ephesians 5:15-21
This content is part of a series.

A Spirit-filled Church (3 of 5)
Series: A J.E.S.U.S. Church
Jerry Watts
Ephesians 3:14-18 & 5:15-21

The JESUS Church! We are in the middle of this series and I'm wondering if you have given this any thought outside of our Sunday Messages.

When God called me here, it was to build HIS KINGDOM thru this church. We may do many things, but His Kingdom is top with me. JC.

The JESUS Church is a place of Joyful, that is JOY-Filled and Joy, because they have found the JOY OF, IN, FROM, and THROUGH Jesus. It is not contrived, put on, or worked up, rather it is sent down into the very hearts and souls of those who know the Lord Jesus in a personal way. Do you know what I've discovered? There are people who attend, participate, been baptized, and read their Bibles but who have little to no idea of a ''PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP'' with Jesus. These are the people who seem to have difficulty finding ''Joy in the Journey''. If you haven't discovered this type of relationship with Christ, He invites you today.

The JESUS Church begins with Joy, but also is filled with encouragement. This comes from our affection, aim, ambition, approach, and attitude. The old adage says, ''Attitude determines altitude'' and even in matters of faith and spirituality, I find this to be the case. The Greek concept of encouragements runs deep in the New Testament and the New Testament Church. We should be encouragers for each other with a goal of encouraging toward Jesus.

We are in the MIDDLE of JESUS! This is the ''SECRET INGREDIENT'' of the JESUS Church. For cooks who have family recipes that no one can make BECAUSE no one but the family knows the ''ONE INGREDIENT'' that makes the taste good, today will resonate with you. This attribute is the ''S'' in the center of His name, it is the middle of our series, and it is the difference makers in any church. This is the 'power-source'. Yet, it is the most neglected. This is the promise of Jesus. The promise He gave to us even as He ascend ...

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