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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 25:7-10
This content is part of a series.

The End of a Journey (33)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 25:7-10

Like many parents today, there are movies I have seen over and over and over again. Movies that, at one time, I could have quoted line for line. One of those movies was Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. I loved the movie...the first dozen times. Too much of a good thing is a real. The movie follows three pets separated from their owners trying against all odds to make the long journey home. You have the wise old golden retriever Shadow. There's Sassy the cat, whose name is a perfect fit. Then you have the young bulldog pup named Chance who speaks and acts before he thinks, like some people I know. They have all kinds of adventures along the way. Some fun. Some painful. There are mountain lions, porcupines, skunks, raging rivers and deep pits. The most joyous part of the journey is when they arrive home.

There is something about home. No matter where I have traveled, how much I have enjoyed it or how long I have stayed, there truly is no place like home. There is something special about the end of a journey.

Jordan went on a school trip to Savannah this week. Only a couple of days. She had a blast. Talked 90 to nothing when we picked her up. Got home. Got something to eat. She laid down on the couch and, even though she enjoyed her trip immensely, said, ''It's good to be home.'' There is something satisfying about the end of a journey. There is no place like home.

Abraham had been on an incredible journey. For over 100 years Abraham followed the voice of God and pursued the promises of God. We have walked with him on this journey and today we come to the end of this amazing journey of faith as Abraham's wandering comes to an end and he arrives at home.

Chapter 25 opens by telling us that Abraham, after Sarah's death, took another wife. She bore him 6 sons. These sons would be the fathers of several Arabian tribes. When you take these 6 sons and the tribes that descend ...

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