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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 23
This content is part of a series.

Responding to Grief with Faith (31)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 23

Every year an anti-lawsuit group from Michigan holds the Wacky Warning Label Contest to highlight the effects that frivolous lawsuits have on product warning labels. Here are a few examples that have taken some of the top spots in the contest through the years.
• Warning label on a motorized cart said, ''This product moves when used.'' Serious?!
• A label on a common utility knife reads, ''Blades are sharp.'' Yep. That's why we bought it!
• A warning on an iron on transfer for a T-shirt exclaimed, ''Do not iron while wearing shirt.'' I promise, they'd only do it once!
• One of my favorites was a label on a dust mask that read, ''Does not supply oxygen.'' We can all say, amen to that one.

A winning label from a few years ago was submitted by a man from Detroit who found a sticker on a small tractor that warned, ''Danger. Avoid Death.''

That's one warning we'd all like to obey, but we can't. Death is unavoidable. We can't run from it. We can't hide from it. Death's harsh reality threatens us all.


Here in Genesis 23, Abraham is confronted with death, the death of his dear wife, Sarah. Genesis 23.1-2a - Now Sarah lived 127 years; these were the years of the life of Sarah. Sarah died in Kiriatharba (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan...

Sarah had a long life, one that she spent with Abraham. When you consider her age, how long they had been in Canaan, which was a little more than 60 years, that they were married and had a life together in Ur before Canaan and take into account how young they married in those days, if she married at the age of 20, it would mean that she and Abraham had been married for more than 100 years. It is mind-blowing.

Think about what they experienced together over a century of marriage. All the ups and downs. The spiritual highs and lows. Only some of which we know about.
• Sarah was with Abraham when God initially ...

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