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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 22
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Faith's Testing (30)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 22

''In 1849, a dusty California prospector placed a large yellow rock on the countertop of a small office run by a New Yorker named John Little Moffat. The prospector had sold everything he had to stake a claim during the California gold rush of 1849. He wanted to know if he'd struck it rich.''

''Moffat had developed a technique of assaying gold in Georgia and North Carolina, which he now put into good use in California. He scraped a small amount of the mineral from the rock and weighed it precisely. He then wrapped it in lead foil and fired it in a furnace at about 1100°C to remove all baser metals. He reweighed the sample and pronounced its purity.''

''Then, for a fee, he would mint the gold into coins worth $20 each. He formed them so perfectly that the United States government accepted them as legal tender. This was the work of the United States Assay office. Anxious prospectors plunking down gold-colored rocks or bags of goldish sand and pacing the floor while they waited to see if it was genuine gold or fool's gold'' (Andy Davis).

What Moffat did to the minerals those prospectors brought in, God does to the lives of His followers. In our chapter today, God puts Abraham in the furnace to refine, prove and test his faith. Verse 1 says, ''Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham.'' Keep in mind, this is information we are aware of that Abraham wasn't. Abraham does not know that what God is going to ask of him is only a test, if he had, then it would not have been much of a test.

God is going to test the depth of Abraham's devotion; the height of Abraham's obedience and the lengths Abraham was willing to go to in sacrifice for his God.

For some, the words ''God tested Abraham'' may be troubling. Testing is not tempting. Testing is a part of God's process for growing His people.
• A temptation is meant to defeat us and bring out the worst in us. A test is a m ...

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