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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 21
This content is part of a series.

Protecting the Work of Grace (29)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 21

A young pastor went to the hospital to pray with an older woman. He was told by family that the doctors did not expect her to live much longer. As he was preparing to leave, he offered, ''Before I go, I want to pray with you. What would you like us to pray for?'' She quickly replied, ''That I would be healed, of course.''

The pastor took a deep breath, sighed, but prayed, ''Lord, we pray for your sustaining presence with this sick sister. If it be your will, we ask that You restore her to full health and service to you. But, if it is not Your will, we humbly pray that you would help her find peace in her current circumstances. AMEN.''

No sooner had the young man prayed and opened his eyes, the old woman sat up in bed. She threw her feet over the side of the bed and stood up. Her eyes were bright, clear, and full of life. She looked over at the young pastor with a smile on her face, disbelief on his, and exclaimed, ''I think I'm healed.''

The last thing the pastor saw was this dear old saint scurrying down the hall to the nurse's station shouting, ''Look at me! Look at me! I'm healed. As the pastor exited the hospital and opened the door to his car, he looked up toward and heaven and said, ''Don't You ever do that to me again!''

He prayed but did not believe. He asked but did not anticipate God to work.

How like that pastor we are! We say that we are a people of faith who believe in, worship, and serve a great God for whom nothing is impossible yet find ourselves weighted down with doubt, hampered by unbelief and more than a little shocked when God answers our prayers in an extraordinary way.

For a quarter century Abraham and Sarah, when it came to a certain promise God had given, the promise of a son, one who would be the beginning of a great nation, carried that same mixture of unbelief and belief, of skepticism and confidence toward the promise.

They needed t ...

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