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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32
This content is part of a series.

The Self-Righteous Brother (3 of 4)
Series: Come Home for Christmas
Bob Ingle
Luke 15:11-32

Thursday morning I was out doing one of the things I really don't enjoy at all. Jogging. You might ask, 'Then why do you do it?' Because my two favorite food groups are white flour and sugar. And they do bad things to my aging body. But my love for them is greater than my hate for running. So, there you go. Anyway, Thursday morning it was about 35 degrees, so I was all bundled up trying to keep warm. At some point along the way, I got a little warm and took my gloves off and shoved them into my pockets. When I got to the end of my 3.5 miles, I realized I only had one glove. Apparently, due to the lightning speed in which I was run, one of my gloves dropped to the ground along the way.

You know what didn't do? I didn't say, 'Well, I still have one. Keeping one hand warm will be good enough.' No, of course not. I want both gloves. I need both gloves. I also didn't think, 'Well, if it's God's will for that glove to saved, He'll get it back to me somehow. That'd be ridiculous. So, guess what I had to do? I had to go seek and save that which was lost. I admit I started praying for two things: Lord, please help me see it and please let it be close. Hahaha!

For the last couple weeks, we've been in the Lost and Found chapter of the Bible Luke 15. Jesus tells three stories with the same theme: Something precious is lost and must be found. We've focused on the third story famously called the parable of the prodigal son. What many either don't know or fail to realize is that within the story, the father doesn't have just one lost son, but two. They are lost for different reasons and in different locations, but the fact is they are both lost and need to be found. The loving father isn't content with recovering just one. He wants both. He loves both. So, he pursues both.

In weeks one and two, we looked at the loving rescue of the younger son. Today, we're going to loo ...

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