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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Luke 15:1-32
This content is part of a series.

The God Who Celebrates (4 of 4)
Series: Come Home for Christmas
Bob Ingle
Luke 15

In my first or second year of being a pastor, Christmas landed on a Sunday. That meant Jana and I, for the first time in our lives, wouldn't be home, wouldn't be with our families for Christmas day. I can tell you there was alot of weeping going on, and if I remember right, Jana might have cried a few tears as well. We were pretty upset about it, so we decided we'd watch movies all afternoon to keep our minds off the fact we were by ourselves. That day we watched Schindler's List, My Life, and Rudy, three of the most tear-jerking movies in the history of cinema. It had to be our worst Christmas ever.

One symbol that seems to capture the emotions of Christmas maybe more than any other is the symbol of home. There's something powerful about being home for Christmas. When home is working right, it's a place of comfort, joy, security, acceptance, laughter, and love. Home is where we belong.

Today we're wrapping up our series called Come Home for Christmas. But the home we're talking about isn't a temporary home on earth, but an eternal home in heaven. Christmas is the celebration that Jesus left His home of Heaven to come to earth to save us from our sins, so that when we leave this earth, we will be forever Home in Heaven with Him. Today, we wrap up our series from Luke 15 where Jesus tells 3 powerful stories that highlight and illustrate the purpose of Christmas.

The PROBLEM God Knows.

In each of the three stories, something precious, something valuable is lost. First, it's a little sheep.

Luke 15:4a: ''What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them...''. Then a coin.

Luke 15:8a: ''Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin...''.

Of course, the last story, the longest and most in depth of the three, is the story of two lost sons. They are lost for different reasons and in different locations, but the result is the ...

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