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by Frank Pollard

Scripture: EXODUS 36, EXODUS 36:6

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Exodus 3S
Not one of them owned a home or an inch of land. They had
no income-producing jobs. All they had they carried with them.
Their "estates" consisted mostly of jewelry and goods the
kind Egyptian people had given them before they fled the wrath
of Pharoah.
Now Moses stands before them to say: God wants us to build
a ten-million-dollar tabernacle. Those of you whose love for
Him touches your hearts will give of what you have and what
you can do to make it happen.
In a brief period of time they did it! They brought great
joy and honor both to God and themselves. In similar ways
God calls congregations of people today to do some great
thing, some tangible demonstration of love and commitment to
Him. When they meet the challenge, all around know their
faith to be genuine, their love for God real. How does it
happen? Why did the Israelites do it? How can we make it
The first element is a conviction concerning the will of
Moses was convinced God wanted that tabernacle built.
This was no spur of the moment matter. Exodus 2S through 31
tells of a long period of time spent with God in which every
detail of the tabernacle, its contents and the kind of
activity to take place there as well as the naming and
training of those to lead the worship is laid out.
I1 our church w e faced a similar time.- We are located
in the inner city of San Antonio, Texas, a city of about a
million people. The need for witness and ministry is enormous.
Like most inner city churches our membership is composed of
wealthy people. Three years ago our budget was $1,100,000.
This year's plan of ministry in our church has a budget
totaling $2,500,000.
Many of us believe about that budget what Moses believed
about the tabernacle. This is God's will. This is what He
wants us to do! This conviction did not come cheaply, easily,
or quickly. Several months of soul searching, prayer, and
planning were i ...

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