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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: Genesis 26:1-35
This content is part of a series.

Give Me That Old Time Religion (26 of 50)
Series: Genesis
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 26:1-35

Theme: ''Isaac was willing to fight over the wells of his father, are you?''

I - The Mighty Famine (1 - 5)
II - The Momentary Foolishness (6 - 11)
III - The Massive Fortune (12 - 14a)
IV - The Mentioned Foes (14b - 17)
V - The Many Fights (18 - 25)
VI - The Meaningful Feast (26 - 31)
VII - The Marvelous Find (32 - 33)
VIII - The Miserable Family (34 - 35)

We are now in the second half of the book of Genesis and the rest of the journey will focus upon Isaac for a short period of time, then his two son's will become the center of attention. Jacob and Esau will be front and center, until the story solely focuses upon Jacob, his wives, his son's, and ultimately Joseph, the son that stole his heart. The book has been one of intrigue and mystery as we have now begun to focus upon God's chosen people, the Jews.

I - The Mighty Famine (1 - 5)

Gen 26:1 KJV - And there was a famine in the land, beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went unto Abimelech king of the Philistines unto Gerar.

To help broaden your understanding of this experience, ''The Dake Annotated Reference Bible'' lists other famines in Scripture, on page 11 of the Old Testament:

Thirteen Famines Are Found in Scripture

1. In Canaan in Abraham's day (Gen. 12:10)
2. In Canaan in Isaac's day (Gen. 26:1)
3. In Canaan in Jacob's day (Gen. 41:54-57)
4. In Canaan during the judges (Ruth 1:1)
5. In Canaan in David's day (2 Sam. 21:1)
6. In Canaan in Elijah's day (1 Ki. 17:1)
7. In Canaan in Elisha's day (2 Ki. 4:38)
8. In Samaria in Elisha's day (2 Ki. 6:25)
9. In Canaan in Elisha's day (2 Ki. 8:1)
10. In Jerusalem in Zedekiah's day (2 Ki. 25:3; Jer. 14)
11. In Canaan in Nehemiah's day (Neh. 5:3)
12. In an unknown land (Lk. 15:14)
13. In the Roman Empire in Paul's day (Acts 11:28)

Isaac faces a famine just as his fathered faced a famine, but instead of ...

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