The Dust And The Diety
Matthew 6:19-24
There is one supreme fact about Christ we ofttimes overlook. He
did not come to impose a burden on people; He came to lift people's
burdens from them. He did not come to take away the joy of life; He
came to instill joy into life. Too many times, in this age of guided
missiles and misguided people, Christ has been taken to be a cosmic
kill-joy, a sort of resident policeman who raps our knuckles when we
appear to be enjoying life. Before you fall for this satanic
slander, let me L; ind you that Christ said, "I am come that you
might have life and have it more abundantly."
In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ summed up the living of the
Christian life and the opening word, the keynote of this magna carta
of the Kingdom of God, is the word "blessed." And "blessed" means
"happy". Do you see it? Christ has always said it, thousands have
discovered it -- the way of Christ is the blessed way, the happy way.
Beginning with verse 19 of the 6th chapter of Matthew, Jesus
speaks of a matter relevant to all of us. He says that in this
abundant way of life, we need to know how to deal with material
riches. Both the having of money, and the lack of enough money, have
caused more heartbreak than perhaps any other thing. So great an
obstacle to the blessed life is this, that well over a third of all
Christ had to say dealt with the subject.
Every Christian is a citizen of two worlds. And those worlds
are so different In our best moments we know that both worlds, then
and now, are to be committed to Him. And, that Christian consistency
commands commitment of every part of our lives.
So there comes a time when a follower of Christ must ask: "How
do I feel about things? If I love Christ, how do I feel about my
car? If He is my Master, how do I treat my money? Does this mean I
have to hate things and spurn them?"
This is not a question with an easy, pat, glib answer. We know
we are made in God's image, thus we are ...
Matthew 6:19-24
There is one supreme fact about Christ we ofttimes overlook. He
did not come to impose a burden on people; He came to lift people's
burdens from them. He did not come to take away the joy of life; He
came to instill joy into life. Too many times, in this age of guided
missiles and misguided people, Christ has been taken to be a cosmic
kill-joy, a sort of resident policeman who raps our knuckles when we
appear to be enjoying life. Before you fall for this satanic
slander, let me L; ind you that Christ said, "I am come that you
might have life and have it more abundantly."
In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ summed up the living of the
Christian life and the opening word, the keynote of this magna carta
of the Kingdom of God, is the word "blessed." And "blessed" means
"happy". Do you see it? Christ has always said it, thousands have
discovered it -- the way of Christ is the blessed way, the happy way.
Beginning with verse 19 of the 6th chapter of Matthew, Jesus
speaks of a matter relevant to all of us. He says that in this
abundant way of life, we need to know how to deal with material
riches. Both the having of money, and the lack of enough money, have
caused more heartbreak than perhaps any other thing. So great an
obstacle to the blessed life is this, that well over a third of all
Christ had to say dealt with the subject.
Every Christian is a citizen of two worlds. And those worlds
are so different In our best moments we know that both worlds, then
and now, are to be committed to Him. And, that Christian consistency
commands commitment of every part of our lives.
So there comes a time when a follower of Christ must ask: "How
do I feel about things? If I love Christ, how do I feel about my
car? If He is my Master, how do I treat my money? Does this mean I
have to hate things and spurn them?"
This is not a question with an easy, pat, glib answer. We know
we are made in God's image, thus we are ...
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