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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Exodus 2:1-25
This content is part of a series.

Parenting Principles (2 of 11)
Series: To the Mount of God
Zach Terry
Exodus 2

OPENING JOKE: J-O-H-N D-U-N-N… I’ve preached all over the world, I’ve dined with Presidents, I’ve walked the streets of Havana, I’ve even see the sun rise over the city of Jerusalem… but I have never had the honor of speaking at a Florida Baptist Foundation Event.

On one occasion I asked the church to pray for me because I was traveling to NYC. One of the ladies in the church came up to me and said, “If you happen to run into my son, please tell him that I so wish he would call me”.

I was like - mam, this is NYC there are over 8 million people in NYC… what are the chances I’m going to run into your boy… but then I thought - well God works in mysterious ways… just in case… what is your boy’s name? She said his name is John Dunn - D U N N.

So sure enough, I went to the city… there I was walking in times square and I looked up and saw on the side of this BIG sky scraper - Berkshire and Dunn… and I thought to myself… could it possibly be?

So I went up through big turnstile doors, approached the lady at the desk and said, “man, I know this is a long shot…but do you all happen to have a John?”

She said, “yes we do - it’s just down the hall on the left”. I was blown away… could it possibly be… I walked down the hall and just as I was about to open the door a fella walked out… I looked at him and I said, “Sir are you Dunn”.. He said, “Yes I am”, I said, “call your mother”.

INTRODUCTION: There are those moments we will never forget.

I will never forget being at that little room as Julie and I looked at the sonogram machine discern the shape of a little tiny human, inside of my precious wife, then the muffled sound of a beating heart. Julie was just laying there and the baby’s heart was beating over 150 beats a minute. I said, “Julie we are having a Pentecostal”. It was then that the reality of the moment really hit us.

Then the moment when the nursed helped st ...

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