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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Exodus 2:11-22
This content is part of a series.

The First Third (3 of 11)
Series: To the Mount of God
Zach Terry
Exodus 2:11-2:22

INTRODUCTION: Moses was 120 when he died just outside the land of promise. His life can be thought of in thirds. 40 years in Egypt, 40 years in Midian, 40 years in the Wilderness. The tendency of most American readers is to rush over to the ''good part'' and get into the final third of his life.

But in doing so, we fail to recognize that the reason he has the final third is because he learned what God was teaching in the 1st and 2nd third of life.

Suppose you divided your life into 3rds. The average life expectancy for an American is 78 years - So every 26 years you enter into another third. 1st: birth to 26, 2nd: 26 - 52, 3rd, 52-death. I want to talk to you today about the 1st third, your life up to 26. How did it go? Are you proud of it? Any regrets? For those who are in the first third, perhaps you can't wait to move on.

Did you know the #1 prayer request I get from young people is that they will learn to accept themselves rather than constantly try to be like someone else?

I think today's text can help you with your relationship to YOU 1.0.

CONTEXT: Last week we saw the birth of, ''Baby Moses''. Moses was born under the sentence of death. There, in the land of Goshen, every household was marked by mourning as Israel lamented the slaughter of the innocence under the cruel hand of Pharaoh.

But there was a couple, Amram and Jochebed - It is said that Amram had a vision that his unborn son would one day deliver the people of Israel from bondage. So when that baby was born, they didn't fear the edict of Pharaoh, but rather they hid him for three months, until the time came when they could hide him no longer. It was then that Jochebed formed an ARK of bullrushes and dabbed it with pitch and sent this baby sailing down the nile river. Big sister Miriam following along the river bank to see what God would do.

And then it happen, this little basket caug ...

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