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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Exodus 3:11-22
This content is part of a series.

Let's Talk About the Dash (5 of 11)
Series: To the Mount of God
Zach Terry
Exodus 3:11-22

INTRODUCTION: Life is filled with the sort of moments these graduates are experiencing. These rites of passage where you transition from one season of life into another. It is times like these that the wise person pauses for a minute, considers the path they are on, thinks about the future and course correct where necessary.

It's like the halftime trip to the locker room at the end of the 2nd quarter. That period in the game where both teams get to:

Take stock of the first half
Evaluate their performance
Open the playbook and decide the best strategy going forward
Stir each other's emotions, and stoke their confidence for the 2nd half

Graduates are there by virtue of their education, some of you are there because you have recently retired, others have just started a new family. We all have this so of season where we consider the future.

Organizations have phases when they decide how they are going to function, what they are going to accomplish, and why they exist.

The cell phone company Nokia once was known for making rubber boots
The gas company Shell, at one time actually imported sea shells.
Berkshire Hathaway - known as a premier investment firm led by Warren Buffett was originally a textile manufacturer.

Artists have half times

Film makers like Stephen Spielberg who move from films like E.T. to Schindler's List.

If you are wise you will emerge from this season ready to move from SURVIVAL to SIGNIFICANCE.

CONTEXT: Moses had just this sort of locker room experience there in the dessert of Midian, when he saw a fire emitting from a bush, but something was missing... no smoke, no crackling of burning leaves, no scent in the air. He drew aside and walked closer when God spoke to him out of the bush and gave him a mission that would literally change history.

Some aspects of Moses encounter with God, we will never be able to r ...

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