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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Exodus 5:1-23, Exodus 6:1-30, Exodus 7:1-25, Exodus 8:1-32, Exodus 9:1-35, Exodus 10:1-29, Exodus 11:1-10
This content is part of a series.

A Tale of Two Men (7 of 11)
Series: To the Mount of God
Zach Terry
Exodus 5-11

The frontline of the battle for truth has shifted a number of times throughout history. It has been necessary for the church to pivot and get its footing on a number of issues - then to speak to those issues with great clarity and resolve.

Certain dates mark the key battles -

1925 - ATHEISM - the Scopes Monkey Trial as it was called took place in Dayton, TN. It determined the legality of teaching Atheistic Evolution in our Public Schools.
1962 - PRAYER IN SCHOOLS - The Supreme Court in the case of Engal vrs. Vitale determined in a 6–1 decision, that reciting government-written prayers in public schools was unconstitutional. This was quickly interpreted by many school systems as a forbidding of all prayer in public schools.
1981 - LGBTQ - Marks the start of the aids epidemic in our Nation. Churches were suddenly forced to determine how they would respond to this ever expanding LGBTQ community many of whom were now fighting for their life.
2015 - MARRIAGE - the US Supreme Court struck down all state bans on homosexual marriage redefining the legal definition of marriage for the Nation as a whole.
Today - the next major battleground will be over the nature and reality of GENDER. Proponents of girls sports are being forced to take sides over the issue.

Today is Father’s Day - the early salvos are now being fired against the celebration of Father’s by the extreme left. It is described as EXCLUSIONARY, politically incorrect, antiquated.

For much of history - this was an area where the church and the world agreed. It was pretty straight forward. There were two genders, male and female, there was no argument about that.

When you are no longer anchored in truth - there is no limit to where the ship may float.

Never before has been vitally important that we have a Biblical lens through which to view GENDER issues.

RESTROOMS - 5 years ago, ...

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