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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Exodus 12:1-51
This content is part of a series.

Rituals of Remembrance (8 of 11)
Series: To the Mount of God
Zach Terry
Exodus 12

INTRODUCTION: I learned early as a Pastor - people will rarely remember any particular sermon. You may remember an illustration or a joke, but rarely will you really remember the outline or the meat of a message. That's just reality. What people remember is what you say over and over.

Not that which comes up in any particular sermon, but rather those things that come up in most every sermon.

The same is true in PARENTING, or leading a BUSINESS.

That's how memory works - repetition is the mother of learning.

That is why God has ordained a few rituals for his people to practice - RITUALS of REMEMBRANCE. Why? He's trying to teach you something. He's trying to change you ever so slightly over the course of time.

Rituals practiced in repetition is the KEY TO CHANGE.

If you want to change the CULTURE of a nation - change it's rituals. If you want change the CULTURE of a business change it's rituals. If you want to change the culture of a family, change its rituals.


Julie and I have had certain rituals that we have practiced as a culture for 21 years -
The 4 D's - Dialogue Daily, Date Week, Depart Quarterly, Deport Annually.
At family meals - we have a single conversation.
We attend church gatherings weekly.
We spend time in bible reading and prayer daily.
We celebrate holidays and discuss their meaning.

These rituals and traditions have served our family well and have formed a culture that we very much enjoy.

God knew the power of ritual - as a matter of fact, he designed humanity in a way that NEEDS ritual to function properly.

Your BRAIN cannot process every particular stimulus that is thrown at it. Therefore, rituals and habits are our brains way of increasing its efficiency. We accept certain things as TRUE and HELPFUL.

Brushing your teeth for example. We don't have to think about it each ti ...

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