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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Exodus 16:1-36
This content is part of a series.

Chronic Grumblers (10 of 11)
Series: To the Mount of God
Zach Terry
Exodus 16

INTRODUCTION: In 1929, Thoro Harris, a prolific African American song writer, after studying the passage before us today wrote the following.

In country, town or city some people can be found
Who spend their lives a grumbling at ev'rything around,
yes, they always grumble, no matter what we say,
For these are chronic grumblers, they grumble night and day.

They grumble in the city, they grumble on the farm,
They grumble at their neighbors, they think it is no harm;
They grumble at their husbands, they grumble at their wives,
They grumble at their children; but the grumbler never thrives.

They grumble when it's raining, they grumble when it's dry,
And if the crops are failing, they grumble and they sigh.
They grumble at low prices and grumble when they're high,
They grumble all the year 'round and they grumble till they die.

Chronic Grublers. The way some people grumble you'd think it as a spiritual gift.

Every church has them. Fortunately for us, ours are all in the other service.

Every now and then I want to call on them to stand and lead us in a word of criticism.

Some of us have children that grumble. Some have parents or grandparents that grumble. Some are married to a grumbler.

Proverbs 25:24 (ESV)
24 It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.... The grumbler.

Grumbling is one of the acceptable sins. It's not like murder or adultery. We tolerate the grumbler. Occasionally, we even give the practice a place in our own lives.

But according to the text before us, Grumbling, may be a symptom of a deep underlying spiritual problem that will cost us far more than we are willing to pay. Look at it with me...

CONTEXT: The episode took place one month after the departure from Egypt. God has already provided water at Marah, now they are a little further along. They have plenty of ...

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