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by Zach Terry

Scripture: Exodus 18:1-27
This content is part of a series.

The Next Level Leader (11 of 11)
Series: To the Mount of God
Zach Terry
Exodus 18

INTRODUCTION: Leadership guru John Maxwell has said that, ''Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less''. That being true, every single individual has a measure of leadership and that leadership is stewardship that one day you will give an account for. It should be cultivated and maximized and leveraged for the Kingdom of God.

There are those who seem to be natural born leaders - they seem to have clarity and conviction that others lack. They seem to know where they are going and exactly how to get there. Just being in their presence gives confidence to the rest of us. Leadership seems so easy to them, that the rest of us will hardly give it a go.

But today's text shows a different perspective on leadership. The strength of a leader lies not so much in his or her air of confidence, but rather in his or her ability to adapt to radically changing environments.

Never has that been more true than in this generation.

Consider the speed of technological change: According to Morgan Housel in his book, ''The Psychology of Money''

In the 1950s IBM developed a cutting edge 3.5 megabyte hard drive. That computer could hold one iPhone photo.
By the 1960s things were moving into a few dozen megabytes.
By the 1970s, IBM's Winchester drive held 70 megabytes.
Then drives got exponentially smaller in size with more storage. A typical PC in the early 1990s held 200-500 megabytes. And then ... wham. Things exploded. 1999-Apple's iMac comes with a 6 gigabyte hard drive. 2003-120 gigs on the Power Mac. 2006-250 gigs on the new iMac.
2011-first 4 terabyte hard drive. 2017-60 terabyte hard drives.
2019-100 terabyte hard drives.

Put that all together: From 1950 to 1990 we gained 296 megabytes. From 1990 through today we gained 100 million megabytes.

If you were a technology optimist in the 1950s you may have predicted that practical storage would become 1, ...

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