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by Frank Pollard

Scripture: MALACHI 3

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Malachi 3
The basic foundation of Biblical truth rests upon two
statements. The first word of God sent down from Sinai
was: "I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods
before Me." (Exodus 20:2) Hundreds of years later, from
another mountain, He said it again: "Seek ye first the
kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things
shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33)
We can attain life's best only as we understand we are
dependant upon and responsible to Almighty God.
- Just as a rebellious child robs self
of family blessings
- As an uncooperative employee foolishly
misses the benefits the job could have
- As the criminal steals his own freedom
the creature of God, ignoring life's source and continuing
sustenance becomes a temporary slave of this world and an
eternal casualty in the next.
Failing to accept who we are results in failing far short
of becoming what we could have been.
Faith's large leap to freedom comes when we crown Him
Master rather than other tyrants which seek to control us.
Having understood that we are His, a smaller truth becomes
self evident. Everything is His. "The earth is the Lord's
and the fulness thereof (Psalm 24:1)," declares the Word.
A part of the accounting for how we have lived is an
accounting of how we have managed the estate He has allowed
us to handle.
Roy Cluck was a friend and a fellow church member in West
Texas. He was a pioneer and looked the part -- tall,
weathered, somewhat lanky, and rawboned. Years ago he and
his wife settled what many had considered worthless, barren
land. They hung on during the dust bowl days and over the
years amassed a fortune. Among their holdings were 10,000
acres of irrigated farm land. Roy didn't talk much about
his faith. Not near as much as I thought he should. Like
most great Christians he didn't think he was much of a
Christian. He was an extremely quiet man. He never ...

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