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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Genesis 18
This content is part of a series.

Foreshadows of Judgment (26)
Series: Genesis
Robert Dawson
Genesis 18

A woman went to a lawyer because she wanted a divorce. The lawyer got out a notepad and began to ask some questions. ''Do you have any grounds,'' he inquired. ''Oh, yes,'' she replied. ''We have about 5 acres.'' The lawyer paused for a moment before pushing further and then asked, ''Do you have a grudge?'' The woman quickly answered, ''No. But we do have a lovely carport.'' After a moment of stunned silence, he continued his line questioning. He asked, ''Does he beat you up?'' Almost indignantly the would-be client replied, ''No. I get up before he does every morning,'' Thoroughly exasperated the lawyer blurted out, ''Lady, why do you want to divorce your husband?'' She looked at the lawyer and said, ''It's because that man can't carry on an intelligent conversation!'' (Brent Barlow in Salt Lake City Desert News).

Conversation is important. To sit down and talk with another person helps you not feel so alone. Conversations provide the opportunity to get to know another person and for them to know you. If you listen long enough, you'll come to know what a person is really like. Talk long enough and they will figure out who you are.

In Genesis 17 and 18 we are invited to be the muted party on 2 separate Zoom meetings with Abraham and the Lord. As we listen in, we are privileged to learn more about God, who He is and how He works. We are also privileged to learn more about Abraham, who is a wonderful, though imperfect, model of faith, and learn what it means to walk by faith.

In chapter 18, God, along with two angels, all in human form, appear to Abraham as he is resting in the shade during the hottest part of the day. From a timeline perspective, this appearance could have occurred anywhere from 1 week to almost a year from the one we read about in the previous chapter. I tend to think it was closer to that one-year mark.

God has a two-fold agenda in appearing to Abraham this ...

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