The Light of God (1 of 4)
Series: Shine
Joey Rodgers
John 8:12
Light. It's an amazing gift. We often think of light as something that exposes the dark, yet light is so much more. In fact, did you know most types of light are invisible to the eye. We only see ''optical light'' which is but a small sample of the total electromagnetic spectrum. Stretch the red wavelength and you get infrared light, microwaves/radio waves. Shorter violet waves offer ultraviolet light, x-rays/gamma rays.
Meaning: there's more to light than meets the eye.
The same can be said of the statement in Genesis 1:3 - and God said. ''Let there be light...''
One of the more impressive qualities of light is that it can't be bound by darkness - that is, it always wins b/c darkness is subservient to light. Take a pin-light/match in a dark space - and this tiny light always wins.
Now, this doesn't mean darkness doesn't exist or that it can be taken for granted. Try making a few decisions in the dark and see if you like consequences.
Before electricity, a tightfisted farmer was taking his hired man to task for carrying a lantern when he went calling on his girl. He said, ''Why when I was courtin', I'd never carried a lantern w/ me - I went in the dark.'' And his hired man said, ''And look what you got!''
Today, I want to launch us into this new church/school year by starting a series entitled - Shine. This series runs in conjunction w/ the 5-7 yr. plan I shared w/ you on Unleashed Sunday a few months ago. A plan to:
Shine Brighter - By addressing the ministries and facilities needs we have here b/c the light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home.
Think Smaller - By leaning into Jesus' Model of making disciples by getting more relationally intentional in/thru our LIFE Group ministries.
Live Bolder - By discovering how God can use us as we live on mission where we live, work, play.
Build Stronger - By partnering w/ other ministries to strengthen one a ...
Series: Shine
Joey Rodgers
John 8:12
Light. It's an amazing gift. We often think of light as something that exposes the dark, yet light is so much more. In fact, did you know most types of light are invisible to the eye. We only see ''optical light'' which is but a small sample of the total electromagnetic spectrum. Stretch the red wavelength and you get infrared light, microwaves/radio waves. Shorter violet waves offer ultraviolet light, x-rays/gamma rays.
Meaning: there's more to light than meets the eye.
The same can be said of the statement in Genesis 1:3 - and God said. ''Let there be light...''
One of the more impressive qualities of light is that it can't be bound by darkness - that is, it always wins b/c darkness is subservient to light. Take a pin-light/match in a dark space - and this tiny light always wins.
Now, this doesn't mean darkness doesn't exist or that it can be taken for granted. Try making a few decisions in the dark and see if you like consequences.
Before electricity, a tightfisted farmer was taking his hired man to task for carrying a lantern when he went calling on his girl. He said, ''Why when I was courtin', I'd never carried a lantern w/ me - I went in the dark.'' And his hired man said, ''And look what you got!''
Today, I want to launch us into this new church/school year by starting a series entitled - Shine. This series runs in conjunction w/ the 5-7 yr. plan I shared w/ you on Unleashed Sunday a few months ago. A plan to:
Shine Brighter - By addressing the ministries and facilities needs we have here b/c the light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home.
Think Smaller - By leaning into Jesus' Model of making disciples by getting more relationally intentional in/thru our LIFE Group ministries.
Live Bolder - By discovering how God can use us as we live on mission where we live, work, play.
Build Stronger - By partnering w/ other ministries to strengthen one a ...
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